How to Create a Movement: Free e-book

March 7th, 2010 § 0 comments

We need you to change the world

Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter.

Over the last week the popularity of Far Beyond The Stars has skyrocketed (again). I don’t pay attention to stats often, but needless to say, they’ve gone way up. My traffic and subscriber count continues to double every month.

This ongoing success all because of you, the people who support these ideas.

Today I’m releasing a brief free e-book that I wrote over the last week. It’s a short 20 pages, and it covers what I believe are the basics of how to create a movement online.

Disclaimer: This e-book is completely free, and released under a creative commons license. You will not be asked to give me your email, or subscribe to a newsletter when you download it. It contains no affiliate links, and is not intended for any purpose other than to help you learn to create a movement.

How to Create a Movement by Everett Bogue

Download the free e-book, How to Create a Movement.

This e-book isn’t for everyone. If you’re content to sit at home, watch TV, and embrace the status-quo… well, you won’t find much information that helps you here.

How to Create a Movement is for people who want to help people, support themselves through their art, and change the world.

Why I wrote How to Create a Movement.

I continue to get emails from smart people who are seeking change, who want to learn my ‘secrets’ to making money online. There are no secrets, but I hope this can help.

I believe that the easiest way to find success online is through creating or joining a movement. A movement is anything that seeks to change the world in a small way. There are a number of mediums you can use to create one. Some create a movement through art, others through music, speaking.

I choose to create a movement through words and ideas.

I hope this e-book can help you start your own movements. I hope that it helps you find greater success in your life. Most of all, I hope it helps you change the lives of others.

Thank you for all of your support over the last few months, it’s been a wonderful experience so far. I have a feeling the next few months we’re going to see even more powerful changes.

Download the free e-book, How to Create a Movement.

If this e-book helps you, I have two simple requests:

  1. Help spread the word. You can do this using the retweet button, or any way you should choose.
  2. Let me know what you think. Please leave a comment below, find me on twitter or contact me. I’d love to hear what you think.

-Everett Bogue

Special thanks to Chris O’Byrne for his editing expertise.

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