How to Get The Art of Being Minimalist for Free

February 1st, 2010 § 0 comments

Download your free copy today for 24 hours.

Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter.

[Update February 2: Thank you so much everyone. The free link is now closed.

The last 24 hours has been a quite a day! I’ve received so many emails and tweets thanking me for the book. I’m continually amazed at how many people downloaded and enjoyed reading The Art of Being Minimalist.

You can purchase The Art of Being Minimalist here.]

I’m excited to announce that I’ve finished my first ever e-book, The Art of Being Minimalist.

And I’m releasing today, for free. But only for 24 hours.

About The Art of Being Minimalist

I’ve been working on this The Art of Being Minimalist since the start of this blog in October of 2009. It’s a real privilege to release it to you now.

Long-time readers will notice that I’ve incorporated some of the best material from Far Beyond The Stars in the e-book along with brand new material about living a simple minimalist life.

The Art of Being Minimalist tells the story of how I was able to leave my job successfully during a recession and set out on my own. It explores how living a minimalist life can help you achieve your own ideas of success. It explains how being minimalist can help you live a life that revolves around activities that you enjoy.

Here’s how you can help spread the word:

I hope that you will take 10 seconds or more of your time, in exchange for receiving this copy free, to help me out today.

  1. Retweet this on Twitter, so the amazing people who follow you can have a free copy.
  2. Share this on Facebook, so your friends can have a free copy too.
  3. Write a review of my e-book on your blog.
  4. Become an affiliate seller and put the link on your blog (earn 50% commission on every e-book sale.)
  5. Write a review of my e-book on your blog and sign up for the affiliate program with a link to the book.
  6. Interview me about the book on your blog or media outlet.
  7. Invite me to do a guest post on your blog about The Art of Being Minimalist.

(Please don’t do anything sketchy or spam people with links please.)

I’m an independent writer, and this blog is my primary source of income. Your help is the only way that readers find my blog, as always your help spreading the word is greatly appreciated.

If this e-book helps you, considering giving a small donation to support my writing.

Thank you.

Download The Art of Being Minimalist for free. [Update: the giveaway is now over. You can purchase The Art of Being Minimalist here.]

This link will be up for 24 hours starting February 1st 2010 at 6:00am EST.

You can visit The Art of Being Minimalist website here.

[UPDATE: There were a few broken hyperlinks in the initial free version. Please re-download if you’re having any trouble clicking.

You can find Leo Babauta’s A Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life here.]

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