Launching Augmented Humanity (and turning to a blank page)

February 10th, 2011 § 0 comments

Written by Everett Bogue | See you on the other side.

Sometimes a year of work can be reduced to a few bits of data.

The density of a moment contains information stretching back to the beginning of the universe.

Looking deeply into someone’s eyes can transfer more information than you’ll ever receive online.

On February 15th, 2011, a few things are going to happen:

1. Augmented Humanity is launching exclusively on Ebookling. It’s my new e-book, about second selves and mental cybernetics. The price will be $30.

2. Ebookling is re-launching as an beautifully simple space to purchase e-books worth reading. Colin and Miles are working decisively to craft an incredible platform.

The Ebookling launch is pretty self-explanatory, so I’ll let it happen when it happens.

If you buy the book you’ll get a link you can retweet, email, or link to which will give you 25% commission on any book sales from Ebookling. No one has ever created an e-bookstore that pays people to read in this way.

3. I’m going to wipe Far Beyond The Stars completely, cleaning the slate. All of the writing and research is being condensed into the two e-books. Minimalist Business will remain available, but the price is rising from $47 to $50. The $37 option will no longer be available for sale. Both my e-books will be hosted exclusively on Ebookling.

The archive of Far Beyond The Stars is back in the sidebar. I’m uncopywriting all of the work I’ve done on FBTS over the last year and a half (except the e-books). You have until the morning of February 15th to do whatever you want with the content. Archive it, republish it, read your favorite article one last time.

The future of the work is in your hands.

Keep an eye on Gwen too, she’s up to some mischief as well.

Anyone who signs up for the ($25 per month) will receive a free copy of Augmented Humanity on February 15th. I will continue to write about the deeper work that I’m doing there — work that won’t be available anywhere else.

I’ll be deleting the feedburner list, so you’ll have to resubscribe to the new blog (when/where it launches) or follow me on Twitter.

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